SCIP Tip Of The Month May 2012 – Google Analytics

By Mark James

While we are chatting about Google analytics many people have emailed me to say they have received an email saying that they should “update your Google Analytics scheduled email reports” and wondering what they should do.

The reason for this is that Google Analytics now has a new interface with some reporting differences and additional metrics.

After June 2012, if your report hasn’t been updated you will not continue to receive reports.

What should I do?

Get in touch with me at [email protected] . There are two options:

1)      I can reset your reports so you continue to receive them or

2)      Send me your Gmail address (or an email address that is registered with Google) and I can give you direct access to Google Analytics.

It’s important that you continue to receive your regular reports so I am more than happy to update your details.

If you ever want a chat about Google Analytics and Search Optimisation in general please get in touch on 01273 234 049 or email [email protected].